Alec: Um, Joy? Why are there baked beans in the bedroom?
Joy: Circuit studying!
Alec: what?
Joy: That's my barbell for adductions!
I try to keep him guessing.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Baked Beans
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Best Husband Ever
I'm reposting the story he wrote about how we met that we had previously posted on our wedding website. Who knows how long those stay up, and who ever looks back upon them?
It seems natural to begin with, “So how did we first start dating?” which is pretty darn interesting in its own right... but not the story we’re telling today. So how did it all happen, or better yet, where did we first cross each other’s paths? In keeping with our respective personalities, our introduction required more than a little bit of awkward social circumstance.
Many years back, Alec began working at a new job and within a few weeks of starting, a co-worker and his wife invited him to meet them at a local bar. Though highly uninterested in their choice of venues and doubting having very much at all in common with this couple, Alec didn’t want to appear rude with a new colleague, thereby souring potential relations at work. After a bit of coercing, the offer was accepted. (At the risk of sounding elitist, some editorial content must be injected at this point to further the irony of our meeting and explain that this particular bar is the kind of place Joy and Alec would both generally avoid as if every table and chair brought with it a moderate chance of the plague.)
Upon meeting said co-worker and entering, Alec felt extremely out of place and began people-watching over a few rounds of drinks. Out of an extremely packed bar, there was quite obviously one person who consistently caught his eye… and why wouldn’t she? Even across a dimly lit thirty feet, she had an amazing smile and laugh that spoke of humor and a desire to make her surroundings a place we’d all like to be part of (which Alec likes to say is evident to this very day). She was comfortable with herself, yet without the slightest note of arrogance. She was unique, yet visibly quite genuine and unlabored. Not to mention, she was wearing the greatest black jacket with pink trim. So yes, Joy was sitting at a small table, also looking out of place given the element, and talking with a female friend (who also turned out to be a co-worker at Joy’s recently acquired job).
At any rate, Alec’s co-worker apparently took note of how his surveying the room seemed to linger a little bit longer any time his eyes passed in Joy’s direction. It was at this point that he and his wife began a discussion as to whether Joy and her female friend were there together or “together.” What was Alec’s reaction to this, in a word? Mortified, folks. It didn’t take long at all for the discussion between husband and wife to evolve into a full-scale debate, at which point the wife challenged to go over to the girls’ table and find out. The terrors and humiliation that ran through Alec’s brain were white hot, and despite his protests she proceeded to walk over, introduce herself, and sit down in the last open chair. Seriously? The one person in that establishment to whom Alec might like to talk, and he was unwittingly caught up in a sad social display that would almost certainly result in his looking like an underdeveloped fool. It was at this point that Alec turned to walk out the door, but his co-worker stressed that they could walk across to the other side of the bar as his wife chatted away on her devious little mission.
Sitting on the other side of this place, it was obvious that Alec’s co-worker was trading text messages with someone on a fairly regular basis. After an uncomfortable fifteen minutes, his co-worker informed him that he had to relieve himself and asked Alec to please remove his wife from her conversation? Eager to get it over with and leave, Alec walked over to Joy’s table and before any words had the chance to escape his lips, the wife bolted up from the now-empty chair and said, “Hey Alec, I need to use the restroom. Take my place for me while I’m gone. Joy, this is Alec,” and promptly abandoned him at the table. At this point it dawned on Alec that he’d been set up from the beginning.
The ultimate revelation here was that this couple had planned to see who the new employee would gravitate toward, and then thrust him into a “sink or swim” scenario. The fake debate, text messages, and restroom trip? All part of the ruse. But hey, that night Alec and Joy managed to find great conversation and a bunch of laughs in a sea of striped shirts and popped collars. It’s crazy to think that two people so completely out of place, meeting up with their respective new colleagues for almost identical reasons, were able to establish a friendship lasting many years before dating ever entered into the picture. Well… before they were nebulae, but that’s a whole other story.
** Professionally edited by an OCD journalism major! It's great being surrounded by brilliance.
Circuit Studying
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Music Goes Well With Studying
Friday, June 19, 2009
Call For Art Entries
Whitney Lee who is most famous in Austin, TX for her AMAZING wedding photography is also part of one of the coolest new local Austin bands. I'm going to copy and paste from their post because they say this stuff best:
Black Cock Call for Art – Cash Prize

Austin TX band Black Cock has released their debut album, Robot Child with a God Complex, and they’re ready to celebrate. On July 9, 2009 there will be a private RSVP-only awesome party and art show happening at the Mohawk to do just that. Party includes Real Ale Beer, catered snacks, and other fun stuff like DJs in the private party room upstairs at The Mohawk on Red River.
Black Cock is seeking submissions of artwork that will be on display for the event. One piece will be selected for a $500 cash prize and will be featured on the band’s next album cover, due out Fall of 2009.
Exhibition Theme: Black Cock the band (no porn, please). This can be rooster themed, or it can be inspired by their music, or it can be their likeness (though they really aren't that vain). They're really just looking for work that is loosely related to Black Cock and that will look good as an album cover. Again, please don't submit obscene artwork.
Jurors: Band members – Whitney, Chico, Jordan and Ben
Submission Deadline: July 3, 2009
• Drop-off your work on Friday July 3, 2009 at 2011 E. 2nd St., Austin TX, 78702. Drop-off hours are 3pm-8pm.
• Out-of-towners are welcome to mail work to us. If you are from out of town please ship to the same address above (Attn: Chico Jones). Please also supply postage for return shipment. After the party we'll post photos of the event so that you can feel like you were there!
• Works can be executed in any media, though please give it to us display-ready. If you have any specific instructions or equipment please let us know!
• If you plan on participating, e-mail ASAP so that we reserve space for you!
• Work submitted must be available July 3, 2009 - July 10, 2009
• Label the back of your work with your name, the title of the piece, the selling price, your phone number, and your e-mail address.
• If someone wants to buy your work, we'll put you in touch with that person directly. If you attend the party we'll try and find you so they can buy from you then. Otherwise we'll supply them with your contact information, and you with theirs.
• Submissions will be juried by the members of Black Cock.
• Winning piece will be featured on the band’s new album with full credit given to the artist. However, to receive the $500 cash prize, the artist must sign a copyright release.
• To spice things up and keep it fair we will also award a smaller cash prize for "people's choice award" and another prize randomly drawn for participating artists. Who knows, maybe the band members have bad taste. We appreciate everyone's participation. Cash value to be determined.
• We will take the utmost care of your artwork. However we have to mention that we don't have insurance. Nor does the venue. Sorry!
• Finally, THIS IS AN RSVP-ONLY EVENT! We'd hate for you to not be able to get in to see your own artwork because the door guy doesn't know better. So please e-mail to get on the list! And have your friends and family rsvp too!
Fancy Rolling Backpack
and here is the final product.
I feel much less dorky rolling this around now.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Highlights From the Weekend List
Once I recognized that sleeping and/or studying would be impossible at my house due to the extreme noise problem I:
1) Left town to escape my favorite town to go to my least favorite town.
2) Went to a wood store called Wood World that is located next to Rock Barrel - how convenient. ( I later heard rumors that this store is run by ex-cons, which might explain the mullets)
3) Played Pool in a sports bar while the hockey playoffs were happening.
4) Played darts in the same location, and didn't actually injure anyone.
5) Voluntarily and actually encouraged others to play a doom/horror game that involved slaying monsters and goat girls with my enchanted blade.
I also got to spend some time with my wonderful mother-in-law and grandmother-in-law, which is always such a treat. ...and yes, I shared my cupcakes with them.
Monday, June 8, 2009
West Texas - Big Bend, Terlingua, Lajitas, Guadalupe State Park

McDonald Observatory:

...which is incidentally where we fell in love. Awwwww.
Sunday, June 7, 2009

The hotel is adjacent to this!

Maybe I'll get lucky and get to see Dolly Parton, George Jones, or Waylon Jennings doing normal things like walking their dogs or driving their cars just like the stalker trash magazines swear celebrities do!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Hearts On My Feet
I love it! It's ridiculously cute!