Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ipod cozy

You can see that I am on a last minute San Francisco crafting mission. I'm trying to get felt cases made for all the electronic gizmos and sunglasses that will be bumping into each other in my travel bag. This one is for the ipod that we plan to use to listen to episodes of the "This American Life" podcast while we're on the plane. We're going to be so romantic using one ipod and a headphone splitter on our honeymoon. Neither one of us has ever wanted to listen to the same thing as another person before. Awwwww. We may also download an entire audio book, but haven't come to a consensus on which one. I'm so excited! Can't you tell?!

I used a button for this case that makes me so happy. It was my grandmother's and when I was about 8 years old I remember digging through her button box and wondering what each button would end up on. I'm so lucky I inherited that box. This particular button always reminded me of a bowl of mac-n-cheese and I couldn't imagine what kind of clothes would look good with a mac-n-cheese button. It makes me happy to be sewing and thinking of my grandmother while I sew on my mother's borrowed sewing machine. Happy Mothers' Day!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness you have to take a picture of the knitta work that you saw and send it to me :)
    I loooove it
    and I loooooove your ipod cozy!!


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